Chinaman’s Creek near Metung, Victoria is home to several significant stands of rare and endangered rainforest.
This ‘Rainforest Site Of Significance’ is the most ecologically developed westerly occurrence of its type in Australia and it needs our help!
EGCMN held a site introduction event, 7 Dec 2019 (pix below). About 35 people attended so it was a great success…. Thanks everyone!
EGCMN has gained financial support from the Victorian government via a Coastcare Grant grant to help with on-going management issues in the largest rainforest stand at Chinaman’s Creek. The project is over 2 years – 2019 to 2021.
Chinaman’s Creek, like many rainforests, is a window into what some Australian vegetation looked like millions of years ago.
Unfortunately most of the rainforest in and around Chinaman’s Creek is degraded due to clearing, logging and housing developments. The rainforest has reduced in size, with species composition and richness reduced and modified.
Several modern day threats are operating to further reduce the quality and ecological function of these rainforests. The most important threats are garden escapee weeds and introduced Sambar deer.
Come along to our second ‘Lend a Hand and Learn Day’ for this project in early 2020.
This will give people the opportunity to learn about this special place and help nurture it back to health. We will meet at the toilet block car park at the corner of Metung and Roscherville Rds. Morning tea and BBQ will be provided. Please get in touch for more info. All welcome!
More information about rainforest in and around coastal towns in East Gippsland can be found in our detailed report: Rainforest in EG Coastal Towns